JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services has launched a dashboard with information on pregnancy-associated deaths in the state.

The interactive dashboard displays data from 2017 to 2019 on behalf of the Maternal Mortality Review Committee.

Missouri has the seventh-highest maternal mortality rate in the country, according to World Population Review. The state reports around 35 such deaths for every 100,000 births.

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“With the dashboard, DHSS is hoping to further awareness, discussions and the need to improve obtainable resources for mothers to prevent these tragic deaths,” said Paula Nickelson, acting director for Missouri DHSS, via a news release. “The road to becoming a mother is not always easy. DHSS and the PAMR Board are looking to help ease what should be a joyful journey from becoming one of grief and loss.”

According to the dashboard, St. Louis County and St. Louis City experienced the state’s two highest rates of maternal moralities at 34 and 28 deaths per 100,000 births respectively.

Nationally, the two leading causes of maternal mortalities are mental health conditions and cardiovascular disease.