JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt is expected to depose chief US medical expert Dr. Anthony Fauci on Wednesday as part of a lawsuit.

Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry are expected to testify against Dr. Fauci, alleging that the federal government colluded with social media companies to censor speech.

Missouri and Louisiana filed a joint landmark lawsuit in May 2022. A federal court granted the states’ request for depositions of top Biden administration officials last month.

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Last week, a judge refused to quash a subpoena issued to former White House press secretary Jen Psaki. She claimed she had no relevant information to provide and that a deposition would place an undue burden on her.

Schmitt and Landry contend that Fauci and others tied to the Biden administration have conspired to silence conservative voices.

“Since we filed our landmark lawsuit, we have uncovered documents and discovery that show clear coordination between the Biden Administration and social media companies on censoring speech, but we’re not done yet. We plan to get answers on behalf of the American people. Stay tuned,” said Schmitt.

“We all deserve to know how involved Dr. Fauci was in the censorship of the American people during the COVID pandemic; tomorrow, I hope to find out,” said Landry.

In Psaki’s case, the attorneys general wanted more information about statements Psaki made during news conferences in which she urged social media platforms to do a better job of blocking disinformation on their sites. Psaki’s lawyers say the states have already obtained the bulk of what they need from emails and other materials that have already been provided to them.