O’FALLON, Ill. – Police have arrested one student in connection with a threat toward O’Fallon Township High School in Illinois.

In a statement sent to parents, also obtained by FOX 2, high school officials say there was a report of a gun or weapon at the high school, which was found to not be credible.

“The student is not only being disciplined by OTHS but has also been arrested by O’Fallon Police for making false statements. Threats of violence against the school cause a major disruption and will not be tolerated,” said Dr. Darcy Benway in the statement.

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The high school is working with the O’Fallon Police Department to investigate the threat.

On Wednesday, two days after a deadly school shooting after Central Visual and Performing Arts High School, the FBI increase in “hoax threats” made toward St. Louis area schools in recent days. For some schools, law enforcement presence has increased throughout the week.

“The tragedy surrounding the recent school shooting in St. Louis is unimaginable.  Hearts across the county break every time one of these events are reported,” said Dr. Benway.

O’Fallon Township High School encourages all parents and guardians to speak with their children regarding the appropriate use of social media.