JEFFERSON CITY — Spire natural gas customers should expect a larger bill soon. They are charging more because the price of natural gas is going up and the company raised their fee for “Actual Cost Adjustment.”
The wholesale cost of natural gas accounts for around 50 percent of your monthly bill. Those prices rise and fall because of supply and demand.
Spire tracks excess or under collection of natural gas over a 12-month period. The difference over the past year is either reimbursed to customers or kept by the company. They will be charging more starting in December.
Customers near St. Louis will see an eleven cent rise in cost per cubic foot. Prices should rise around 13 cents in western portions of Missouri. The cost increase should be noticeable on your bill but it won’t be as bad as 2021.
There were sharp increases in Missouri gas bills last year. In 2021, the average monthly bill for Spire East customers went up by 22 cents per therm for an average increase of $14.52 per month. Spire West customers saw an increase of 39 cents per therm for an average increase of $24.36.