EUREKA, Mo. – Hidden Valley Ski Resort is preparing for another busy season, even without major snow yet in the St. Louis region.

The resort is working diligently to prepare for their season’s opening later this month. Workers are making snow in temperatures that are unusually warm for this time of year.

Hidden Valley’s General Manager, Tony Santora, says the snow has a hard time melting once it is made. They keep them in large piles that face all odds in warmer weather.

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He says the snow is resilient against rain and warmer temperatures. The key to keeping snow intact, to prevent melting on warmer days, is making a lot of snow in advance, especially on days when the temperatures drop. The foundation for snow to stick around even when the air is warm is a good, solid base.

Santora says, “The more snow that we can make, the better. Last year we had over four feet of snow in the base of our resort, so even when we do see those 50–60 degree days. We have enough snow to really weather those storms.”

For the latest updates from Hidden Valley Ski Resort, click here.