ST. LOUIS – Ameren is encouraging Missouri and Illinois customers to conserve energy as scorching heat continues in the St. Louis region.

Ameren says it is forecasting high energy needs Thursday, one of five consecutive days in which temperatures are pushing 100 degrees. A slight cooldown is expected Friday, though high temperatures could still peak in the 90s.

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In a memo sent Thursday, Ameren is urging customers to take steps to use energy conservatively and efficiently. Ameren is hoping to lessen the strain on the grid and ensure safe and reliable service as the summer winds down.

“There is currently enough energy available to cover our customers’ energy needs,” said Shawn Schukar, chairman and president of Ameren Transmission Company. “By taking proactive steps now, we can help our neighbors and communities across Missouri and Illinois stay safe in this dangerous heat.”

Ameren is asking customers to keep the following considerations in mind:

Raise the temperature on your thermostat by a few degrees when possible.

Use curtains and blinds to block out direct sunlight, especially during the hottest part of the afternoon.

Defer appliance usage by waiting to run your dishwasher, washing machine or any high-energy appliances until the evening hours.