ST. LOUIS – It was a last-minute request by a federal public defender representing a Chesterfield man accused of plotting against the United States.

A defense attorney representing Sai Kandula, 19, asked for more time before a detention hearing that would decide whether Kandula will be released from custody.

A judge granted the request, and the hearing has been re-scheduled for June 9.

New court filings show federal prosecutors will argue to keep Kandula behind bars. The government believes he poses a threat to public safety and is a flight risk.

Federal authorities released new surveillance images showing the Marquette High School graduate nearly struck two pedestrians before driving a U-Haul into security barriers near the White House.

Court filings reveal the 19-year-old has what he refers to as his “green book,” which agents say contains his thoughts in writing.

“The defendant stated he eventually started writing about his plans to enter the White House, and what he would accomplish if he was in charge,” the filing reads.

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Investigators said the book contained entries about harming family members and other individuals.

Authorities said there’s a passage that appears to be a planned speech for after Kandula seized power, which includes a warning – that any opposition would be met with the death penalty.

The government calls Kandula’s actions extremely troubling because he purchased a one-way ticket from St. Louis to Washington D.C., with the sole purpose of breaching the White House and seizing control of the government.

Federal prosecutors said this was no spur of the moment decision, calling it a deliberate plan. Agents said Kandula had been planning this attack for the last six months.