ST. LOUIS – Winter trout chasers now have a greater opportunity to catch a rainbow-colored fish because of the Missouri Department of Conservation’s (MDC) Winter Trout Program.

In November, winter trout season officially begins for MDC’s St. Louis Urban Fishing Program.

Each year, MDC stocks nearly 40,000 rainbow trout during the winter months. The areas where they are stocked span from 12 lakes in St. Louis City and County, to Union City Lake in Franklin County, to five lakes in the August A. Busch Conservation area on Route D in St. Charles. 

“MDC will stock rainbow trout November through February,” Denise Otto, a MDC fisheries management biologist, said. “These trout are spawned and raised in MDC hatcheries.”

Here’s a list of area lakes that will be stocked with winter trout.

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August A. Busch Memorial Conservation Area lakes 3, 7, 21, 22, and 23 (Lake 28 has been replaced by Lake 7)Carondelet Park Boathouse Lake in St. LouisGendron Lake in St. AnnJanuary-Wabash Lake in FergusonJefferson Lake in Forest ParkKoeneman Park Lake in JenningsO’Fallon Park Lake in St. LouisSuson Park’s Island Lake and Carp LakeTilles Park Lake in St. Louis CountyUnion City Lake in Union, Franklin CountyVlasis Park Lake in BallwinWalker Lake in KirkwoodWild Acres Park Lake in Overland

For more information about fishing events, bait dealing, and more, click here.