ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. – Back in April, Jessica Palmer’s family lost everything in a house fire. It all happened on her brother Allen Carter’s 19th birthday. 

“My bed, my room, everything went boom,” Carter said.  

“All of everybody’s beds and everybody’s rooms were destroyed in the fire,” Palmer said. 

Allen has Down syndrome and eagerly looks forward to Christmas each year. 

“When he got to come here today and see how awesome this is and see Santa and experience this with our family and the amazing people that work here, it means a lot.” 

City officials saw bodycam footage after police SUV crashed into bar – Source

Despite the challenges they faced this year, Jessica and her family feel grateful for the Moore’s who hosted this special Christmas brunch. 

“I’m the owner of Celebrity Dining and Celebrity Banquet Center,” Steve Moore said.  

This is the fifth year that the Celebrity Banquet Center has hosted this toy drive and giveaway. Moore said his ultimate goal is to make the holidays brighter for hundreds of kids. 

“I lost my mom at the age of three, and it was just something as an adult I want to give back to the community,” he said.

The event featured an all-you-can-eat brunch, a DJ for the kids, numerous volunteers, and Santa and Mrs. Claus. Kids received gifts like bikes, scooters, electronics, dolls, and other toys. 

“It helps our family a lot,” Palmer said. “We get to see him open gifts today, and it’s gonna be amazing. And even if it’s not a big gift, it’s still gonna mean a lot because he gets to experience joy and happiness.”

Celebrity Banquet Center plans to host another event like this on Valentine’s Day, where they aim to feed more than 100 people.