ST. LOUIS – Police are investigating a series of car break-ins between Friday night and Saturday morning in south St. Louis. One of the targets was a city firehouse.

Vandals hit Engine House 31, breaking out windows of four personal vehicles while crews were out on a call. They returned to find windows shattered and broken glass around the vehicles.

FOX 2 learned that three of the vehicles belonged to firefighters and one belonged to a civilian.

St. Louis Fire Department Captain Garon Mosby calls it disheartening.

“It’s tough,” said Mosby. “I’m happy no one was injured, because a lot of times you have these incidents, someone comes out unexpectedly and there could be another incident of sorts. … It’s disheartening and unfortunate that you have members of the community out responding to calls while we’re away from the house.”

Mosby says this is the fourth incident at the firehouse over the past several years. No arrests have been made in this case.