ST. LOUIS – A 19-year-old man is facing assault charges for allegedly striking a MetroLink rider in the head with a rock.

The incident took place on Nov. 14 on a MetroLink train at the Union Station terminal at 400 South 18th Street, according to a probable cause statement filed by the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department.

Police claim the suspect, identified as Joseph Davis, was on the train and began rummaging through the grocery bags of another rider, whom Davis didn’t know.

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The victim told Davis to stop going through his bags. Davis began punching and kicking the victim.

Davis eventually stopped, got up, and paced back and forth through the MetroLink train. He then walked back to the victim and smashed him in the head with a fist-sized rock.

The entire assault was recorded on surveillance video. Police arrested Davis days later.

The St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office charged Davis with second-degree assault and fourth-degree assault. He remains jailed without bond.