Illinois man receives 7-year sentence for child porn

EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill. — A U.S. District Judge sentenced a Worden man to serve seven years in federal prison for the possession of child pornography. Joseph Vieth, 36, was ordered to pay a fine of $5,000, an additional $5,000 to the courts for their investigation,...

A look back at the rides that made Six Flags St. Louis

ST. LOUIS – Formerly known as Six Flags of Mid-America, this amusement park has long been a destination for families to have some ice cream, go on exhilarating rides, and soak up the sun. St. Flags of Mid-America made its debut on June 5, 1971. Passengers on the first...

ATREYU Shares Music Video For ‘Immortal’

ATREYU has released the music video for “Immortal”. The track is taken from the band’s “The Moment You Find Your Flame” EP, which is out now on Spinefarm. “Immortal” carries a lesson to using negativity encountered from others...