ST. LOUIS – The days-long excessive heat warning expires just in time for the weekend, when St. Louis could see cooler temps in the 80s as opposed to triple digits.

The weekend will be quite a relief from a historic run of scorching heat. It’s been a historic heat wave, due to the combination of extreme heat and humidity stretching over a period of several days.

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Several school districts released students early this week after temps rose to unbearable conditions. Bus drivers were given breaks to rehydrate, and more than a dozen had called off work, citing heat as their main concern. 

Ameren encouraged customers to conserve energy as demands on the system increased during this heatwave. 

Thankfully, we work at a high school, and so we’ve been able to stay indoors for the majority of the day,” said Bethany Mantz. “But it has affected the athletic programs at the school. Practices have started really late, or they’ve been cancelled entirely.” 

The excessive heat warning began last Sunday at noon, but soon a cool front will be bringing relief from the dangerous heat, and even a chance for thunderstorms. 

“I’m hoping it’ll be cool enough that I can get back to walking and doing something more productive than hiding from the heat,” said Matt Lewis. 

“I’m excited that it’ll be cooling down, but I also work a second job, so I’ll just be inside nonetheless,” said Mantz. 

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“It’d be nice to enjoy the rest of summer and not suffer in it, so hopefully we can do that,” said Lewis. 

Friday broke the record with 104 degrees at Lambert Airport for the hottest day of the year in St. Louis. The previous record for this date was 101 degrees in 1943.