ST. LOUIS – St. Louis locals and downtown business owners take their concerns straight to their aldermen. Crime and safety is the biggest concern people have right now. Some say there’s a big disconnect between crime stats and personal experience.

Alderwoman Cara Spencer and Alderman Rasheen Aldridge holding a town hall Monday night at the Central Library downtown. It was a chance for people to come out and voice concerns and ideas important to them.

Both Spencer and Aldridge gave updates on proposed bills in the city. Spencer said on Friday that she introduced a bill that will prohibit open carry, but it doesn’t touch concealed weapons. They also talked about the city’s budget, liquor licenses, crime, and short-term rentals.

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Aldridge shared that with Airbnb’s not being regulated, people are throwing parties, and they’re going from inside to outside in the street, causing more crime issues around two and three in the morning.

People at the town hall also learned there were a few car break-ins during the Cardinals’ game on Sunday.