ST. LOUIS – Downtown St. Louis is packed with tens of thousands this weekend as Busch Stadium, Enterprise Center and CITYPARK all hold events on Saturday night.
The Cardinals host the Dodgers at Busch Stadium. Thomas Rhett is holding a concert at the Enterprise Center. CITY SC is hosting Sporting Kansas City at CITYPARK.
With these activities and more planned around downtown, that has both visitors and police hoping St. Louis doesn’t see a repeat of shootings, fights and other kinds of chaos from last weekend. Safety is on the top of mind Saturday.
The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department tells FOX 2 that there will be extra officers patrolling as part of their summer violence and cursing enforcement detail. Also, with Saturday’s sporting events and concerts, several off-duty officers are providing extra security at events.
As of early Saturday evening, there are no issues to report out of downtown.
It is quite a contrast from the last two weekends, the first of which led to 15 shootings and five deaths over three days.
Some people FOX 2 spoke with ahead of the events said they weren’t concerned about this evening.
“They’re a couple rough areas here,” said visitor Grant Fischer. “I trust local law enforcement especially on nights on like these where you have big gatherings and I trust their safety efforts will keep us safe in the long run.”
Check back for more on FOX 2 News at 9 and 10 p.m. broadcasts after the Cardinals-Dodgers game.