FLORISSANT, Mo. – FOX 2 captured video outside Jana Elementary School Friday morning showing truckloads of school furniture being moved. This is the school where radioactive contamination has been found.
Some of the furniture from Jana is being delivered to other elementary schools in the Hazelwood School District like Barrington, McCurdy, and Brown elementary schools.
Cathy Vrabel lives near McCurdy Elementary School and believes the district should have been more forthcoming about the move. She is concerned about the safety of anyone coming into contact with those tables.
A Hazelwood School District spokesperson said, “After consultation with an engineer that has been working with the district, a hazardous materials cleanup company, and following suggested cleaning protocols, some furniture has been removed from Jana.”
The district sent Jana students into virtual learning after Boston Chemical Data, a private consulting firm, reported finding unsafe levels of radioactive contamination at the school.
In addition to safety concerns, the leader of a parent group also expressed concerns that the furniture move is a sign the district is giving up on the school. The Hazelwood School board recently announced plans to send students to other elementary schools in the district.
“Let’s get the school cleaned up,” said Ashley Bernaugh, Jana Elementary PTA president. “Let’s make sure our community can stay together, and let’s get our kids back to learning.”
She said some community members have even reached out and expressed interest in paying for the cost of any cleanup. Bernaugh said searching for another building is another option.
The Army Corps of Engineers announced Friday that it will begin testing inside and outside Jana Elementary, with preliminary results available within two weeks.
The announcement comes following criticism that the agency dragged its feet when previous concerns were raised.